How do your plans work?
You give me your information. I use your information to give you back your customized and most optimal diet and workout plans as your starting point to reach your goals. Eat this, do that, AND: this is why, and this is how.
Why do they cost so much?
A truly good coach will run you about $175/mo. I am giving you years of information in one shot, plus my personal coaching touch of hyper-thorough and hyper-custom investment. I look at you and every what, why, and how I think your body works and you can best achieve your goal. I am not a cookie-cutter individual (have you seen me), and I don’t do things that way: especially when it comes to people’s goals and bodies. Those are two things that deserve more personalized care for true success, and that takes more time and effort.
Why don’t you do ongoing training?
Because most people quit. Truth is: maintaining an ongoing a full on diet and training plan? It’s not actually what most people want. I designed this program in this way to give people their best personalized sample of what a fitness lifestyle is like. It’s a test run to see if you even like or are willing to do the work, with no stress of commitment. Most people realize, after receiving their plans and trying them out, it is not a lifestyle habit they are actually willing to maintain. Do not misunderstand me: the plans, and all the additional documents, will teach you plenty of ways you can change your life and body to be more healthy and get great results, without being tied to the rigid confines of a diet or trainer. (And if you still want ongoing plans, contact me— I am actually happy to do them).
Can I buy just the custom Training and Diet only (no additional documents)?
YEAH BUT I DON’T RECOMMEND IT UNLESS YOU’RE ADVANCED. If you already know the why and how, this is a fine option for you. Otherwise I feel the entire package I’ve procured is your best bet at ensuring your success. I made it this way for a reason.
Do you write plans for non-natural (steroids) clients?
Of course. The adjustments for clients taking PEDs include writing a higher training volume as you will need more calories. Please make sure to list ALL PEDs when you fill out your questionnaire.
How long will it take?
I will send you the additional documents immediately for your review. It will take me about a week to write your plans. Generally, it will take about 66 days for you to become physiologically comfortable, IF you are consistent. Your total results, however, are HIGHLY dependent on you- your effort, and your genetic efficiency response to diet and exercise. Regardless, solid results generally take a few months. Fitness DOES NOT happen overnight. If it were that easy, everyone would be fit.
What if I don’t want to use a gym?
No problem. I have written plans for many clients and older clients that prefer to stay away from gyms. Is it optimal, no, but doable with good results, yes.
What if I take medications or have injuries?
Most everyone does. Make sure to list them in the questionnaire. Only very few medications are contraindications to fat loss.